We believe in getting fresh and nutritious veg out to everyone in our community.

To do this we started a “Solidarity Box” as part of our box scheme, which through donations from our customers and heavily discounted veg from us, got hundreds of kilos of food from the farm to the Liphook Food Bank. We also donate surplus veg to Liss Food Bank.

We believe in a fair food and land-use system, and are active members of the Land Worker’s Alliance, of which Ed has been a regional organiser since 2016. The Land Worker’s Alliance is a member of La Via Campesina, an international organisation of over 200 million peasants, small-scale farmers and agricultural workers unions around the world.

Our population of field voles is kept in check by a pair of kestrels, while toads and frogs feast on the slugs that are attracted to our salads, the toads themselves fall prey to grass snakes, and hedgehogs snuffle around the farm at night eating the slugs too, because we love our predators we don’t use any slug pellets at all, instead we patrol the most vulnerable seedlings at night armed with scissors and head torches!

We support the predators on our farm by creating space for them in our system.

The wonderful wildlife we have on the farm includes the beauty of glow worms, part of a fascinating wealth of beetles, pollinating bees and other flying insects.

The farm is a haven for wildlife and is an example of how food production can go hand in hand with nature. We believe that if nothing is eating your veg then you aren’t part of the ecosystem, and while this means that sometimes our crops are affected by pests, the pests rarely get out of balance.

By day, red kites and buzzards circle the sky above the farm while in the evenings tawny owls call and bats swoop around the entrances to our polytunnels.